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  • Writer's picturedragonflyjourneyst

35 hours of Disney

So, for us, it’s only a 2 hour and 45 minute drive to Walt Disney World. I know! Seems like we should be there every single week! But, remember, we have to drive back and that can make for a loonnnggg day. Bearing this in mind, sometimes we stay overnight, especially if we are planning to attend special events.

Here is a little overview of our last visit.

WOW! It can not be 3:30 am already! I swear I just finished packing our overnight bag (complete with everything necessary for our costumes) and laid down just a few minutes ago. Nope, I can hear the coffee pot brewing. It is 3:30am.

Ok, up and at em! I get my daughter up and we start the dash to Walt Disney World! Tonight we have tickets for Mickey’s not So Scary Halloween Party! We load up the car and pull out of the drive at 5:30am.

So now it’s almost 9am. Traffic is still crazy due to the construction in Orlando that has been ongoing since 1904. We finally roll up to Saratoga Springs and make it to check -in. Hurray! They have a room that is already available and we head over to drop off our luggage and head out to the parks. Where should we go? We decide Epcot is in order for the morning. As usual we drive over, get the best parking spot we can and rush through bag check. Surprisingly, it all goes quickly and the park isn’t crowded at all.

I check the My Disney Experience app and find a FastPass for Mission Space and we take off! We are going green today because it’s WAY to early for orange. We land safely and head over for the next Fastpass I snagged at Living with the Land. I can smell chocolate as we pass the Ghirardelli Chocolate Experience and decide we are coming back to check it out after we get off the ride. And that is exactly what we do! I ordered us a hot chocolate drink and it was amazing! A little sweet for my taste, especially with the free sample of Carmel and Sea Salt chocolate they handed us as we entered the room but still so good. Now I need real food…so off to the International Pavilion we go. After all, it is smack dab in the middle of the International Food and Wine Festival.

My daughter wants to try the food at the Japanese Pavillion and I want to grab a Tropical Mimosa at Shimmering Sips so we head left in the pavillion and grab the drink first. On the way to Japan we stop at The Alps to grab Warm Raclette Swiss Cheese (a baguette with melted Swiss, potatoes, and gerkins) and keep on going. Once in Japan we get her Frothy Ramen. She took one bite. One. It was interesting but not suited to either of our tastes. So we ended up sharing my meal and vowed to grab some popcorn on the way out. We hopped on the boat, crossed the lake, and headed over to Test Track for the last ride of the day at Epcot. After all, we had to get back to the room and get ready for MNSSHP!

Warm Raclette

Frothy Ramen

Costumes on… check. Jewelry…check. Magic bands, MNSSHP tickets, camera…check! We are off to the party and it’s only 5pm. We park and start the long process to get into the park and the party. Wait! Is that a sold out sign? Oh wow! Never mind, this is going to be so much fun! And it was!! We Trick or Treated, did character meet and greets, rode several rides, tried a few party specific snacks, watched the show and parade, and even took a few photos with the magic shot photographers. It’s now 12:30 am and we are headed back to the room and everything I have is starting to ache.

Costumes off, showers taken, and pjs are on…. it’s 1:30 am. Lights out. We head home in the morning.

8:30 am…ouch, why am I so sore? Oh, I remember, we walked over 10 miles yesterday while visiting 2 parks and enjoying the party. Time to get up and head home. 10:30, we have packed up, loaded the car, and are heading home. We arrive around 2pm. exhausted, happy, and with a ton of new memories! Yes, Walt Disney World is only 2 hours and 45 minutes away but I think we may need a few weeks to recover before we do it all over again in November.

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