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Packing Hacks for the Overpackers

Are you a last-minute packer? Do you start weeks ahead and plan what you’re going to bring when traveling on a vacation? I feel like I’m guilty of both of these things. As a result, it leads to WAY overpacking. I will be so excited for a trip that I pack weeks or even a month beforehand, and then I will find something new I want to buy/bring, or go through my closet and add in another two or three outfits. By the end, I have way too many outfit choices. As a mom of three children, I sometimes get so busy that I push packing off each day. Then when it’s the day before I just grab a bunch of stuff and cram it in the suitcases. This also results in overpacking. So what’s the ultimate solution? 

There are many different packing hacks that I came across to help with this type of situation. Many cheap affordable products as well, that you can easily order to help with this. Some of these items may be; packing cubes, zip-lock bags, a luggage scale, and travel-size toiletries. With these items, you can keep your suitcase organized. Zip lock bags are great for packing children’s luggage. This keeps their daily outfits organized and planned.

Now onto the packing, roll clothes to help save space. This also helps prevent wrinkles. Wear any heavy items that you plan to bring. Especially when traveling to somewhere that may be cold. We all know that shoes take up a lot of space, but we do need them. However, try to limit the options. You don’t need four pairs for a week’s vacation. Use the space inside the shoes to pack some smaller items. Such as; cords, belts, and any small accessories. Got some stinky feet? Pack some dryer sheets in your suitcase to prevent your shoes from making your clothes smell.

Bring a carry-on or a personal bag wherever you go, especially when traveling by plane. You’ll want to keep an extra outfit for that just in case situation. Traveling with your family? Use a carry-on to fit everyone’s backup outfit and any other items that you may need easy access to. You also don’t want to forget to leave space for souvenirs. So keep that in mind when you’re picking out all your outfit choices. Maybe wait til the week before traveling, when you can check out the weather predictions for where you’re visiting. Pack that outfit or two just in case because we know the weather predictions aren’t always so accurate.

Using some of these packing methods can save you some space, and help with organization. Some of these items you can find attached below. Using a luggage scale before leaving and returning will prevent any overweight suitcase charges when traveling by plane. So don’t forget to pack it. If you are close to being overweight for a checked bag, then maybe consider removing some items. Keep in mind the weight of the souvenirs or any other items you purchase on your trip. For they will be traveling back home with you. Using any packing cubes can help organize your clothes, your shoes, and your toiletries. This will help with making unpacking easier, once you get settled in at your destination. If where you’re staying has a washer and dryer then you can pack even lighter. It gives you the option to wash your clothes and even mix and match some of your outfits.

Have any other great traveling hacks? I would love to hear in the comments below. As I confessed, I’m guilty of over-packing. I’m getting better, but let’s face it. I would pack like I was traveling for months times five, for every member of my family that I had to pack for. So if we all help each other out with some helpful tips, then maybe over-packing will be in all of our pasts.

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