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  • Writer's picturedragonflyjourneyst

Reasons why using a Travel Advisor is Beneficial.

We all know that taking vacations can be a much-needed time off! Which is a MUST!! We all work to potentially earn that “time off” that is included in our work benefits, whether it’s paid time off or just having a week to recoup and re-energize. Having time off should be exactly that; TIME OFF. It’s no secret that planning vacations takes time and extra work. If you want to make sure you are planning a vacation that is relaxing and enjoyable, then you must make sure that every detail is done correctly. Even though at times we don’t like to admit it or hope that it doesn’t happen to us, there will be some that have a few hiccups and complications. While on vacation, the last thing we want is added stress and even time that’s taken away from our relaxation or our family. This is just ONE reason why having a travel agent comes in handy.

Being a travel agent, I know that most vacations can go smoothly as planned. But sadly that’s not always the case. As there are times when one has complications. Whether it be with flight changes or cancellations or needing a room change. Plus you’ll be able to have the inside scoop on what’s in the new and what you don’t want to miss while being at this vacation spot. So having a travel agent on your side is definitely beneficial. For example, you work a full 40+ hours a week at your job. You then come home and do your everyday “routine” of cooking or ordering out even, cleaning up, and maybe taking care of others and once the day is over you go to sleep just to do it all again. Your schedule is already so busy. Now I know this might not be everyone’s life schedule, but you can plug in what your daily routines may be. Now anytime you have to just maybe relax, so why add anything else to your “to-do” list? If you have a travel agent you can simply explain what you are looking for in your vacation. Such as with one simple message of just location, dates, who you want traveling with you, and any requests and costs you want to spend for your budget. We then would do all the work for you, so that way you can sit back and maybe catch up on that show you’ve been meaning to watch, or that nap you’ve been wanting to take.

At Dragonfly Journeys Travel Company, I know that we take into all the considerations that our clients want. We know the best suggestions on where to stay based on your budget along with the number of travelers within your group. Along with why some places may be more equipped for your stay vs others. We put together a proposal based on your needs and wants, and simply send it over exactly or close to what you were looking for. All you have to do then is click approve or add in any questions or changes you may want. This may take up a total of TEN minutes to go over, vs the amount of time you would’ve spent looking it all up on your own. Now once your package is put together and booked by making a deposit, you can sit back and know that you now have your countdown to your time off! You can make payments however you need and whenever you can, as long as the final payment is made on or before the date it’s due of course. Throughout this time, we send along tips and some events that may be happening during the time of your stay. We also will inform you of any changes that may apply to your trip or that may be happening at the location of your vacation. The best part of it all is we also will help you save money whenever we can. If any promotions come up, or any deals are announced that we can apply to your trip, we go ahead and make those changes for you so that way you can take that extra money and put it right back in your pocket, spend it on an added excursions, or even buy some more souvenirs. Whatever you want to do with that savings, it’s yours to decide.

Now say something does go wrong on your trip with the flights, or at the hotel with reservations for any reason. Instead of you taking your much-earned time off, and being on phone calls after phone calls. We would do all of that for you!!! You can maybe enjoy a bite to eat at the airport while we figure out the flight situation, or go relax by the pool while we get your reservations corrected. The last thing we want is for you to worry and stress while being away.

Now that I have discussed one main reason why using a travel agent is beneficial for you, that’s not the only reason. Look at what you do in your everyday career. And what type of work you specialize in. Say you’re a doctor, you are knowledgeable about the medical field, or maybe you’re a librarian or a teacher with tons of knowledge on a particular subject or throughout history. Maybe you’re even great at doing office work, and marketing strategies. Some may even be like me being a stay-at-home mom taking care of and raising your young ones. I grew up as a wandering soul and wanted to bring that same joy and love to my children and specialize in ways to show them the world. This is why I became a travel agent. I want to take my passion and pass it on to my family by seeing the world through my eyes, and then looking into theirs and seeing the joy lighten up. I specialize in traveling, so that helps me create a bond with my clients by offering my personal opinions and expertise on their vacation plans. Most people wouldn’t come up to me and ask for my advice on the best medical procedure, although after watching Grey’s Anatomy for many many seasons, I may have a thought or two. But we all know that’s most likely not the best advice. Just like I wouldn’t know how to give any advice on how to teach consistently to a classroom of students on multiple subjects. After the pandemic, and virtual learning for two of my children, I can say that their job is not easy, and we may not give them enough credit. However, I can give much advice on traveling tips, tricks, and what I would suggest seeing or doing while being away.

I take my specialty in what I do, along with my previous experiences, and apply them to make my clients’ trips the most magical and the most memorable for them to enjoy. They get the relief of being as hands-on as they want in the planning, along with being as laid back as they want. Either way, I am there to make this the perfect fit for them. So why isn’t having a travel agent beneficial? There is no reason, plus you’ll get to know that once you work with me or with any of our travel advisors, we get to learn a little more about you. This means, as each trip you take throughout the years, it’ll be more and more of what you enjoy and look for in your time off. Who wouldn’t want a friend helping them plan a vacation that is designed perfectly around them?

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